Enrico Colombini

Programming utilities and demos

The Gods are just, and of our pleasant vices / make instruments to plague us
[W.Shakespeare, King Lear, act V, scene III]

The software downlodable from this page is copyrighted freeware distributed 'as-is' with no support or guarantee of any kind; it can be used both in free and commercial applications: please read the relevant license for details about usage and distribution.

I plan (or rather, hope) to eventually publish on this page some of the tools I designed for my own use over many years, even if presently it looks rather sparsely populated (I'd have to find time to clean them up, add a suitable license, and so on).

 Lua demos and tools

Lua is a powerful, flexible and elegant dynamic language, designed and written by Waldemar Celes, Roberto Ierusalimschy and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo at TeCGraf, PUC-Rio in Brazil.

  gpeddler 2

gpeddler 2 is a primitive TSP evolutionary solver written to evaluate wxLua, a Lua interface to the wxWindows portable interface library. It contains examples of:
The HTML documentation, detailing the above points, can also be read from within the program itself, thanks to the HTML rendering capabilities included in wxWindows.

gpeddler 2 works under the systems supported by wxLua (currently Windows and Linux). Requirements: wxLua 2.1 or later (Lua and wxWindows are included in the wxLua executable).

Here is a screenshot of gpeddler 2 running under GTK (Linux RedHat 8.0a):

gpeddler 2.0 screenshot


Glua is a set of macros and functions designed to help a C programmer writing Lua-C interface functions by hand, while retaining error control and high efficiency. Its name means "Lua-C glue".
(actually, I designed it because I didn't know of the Lua auxiliary library...)
Requirements: Lua 4.0 (basic functionality with Lua 5.0 can be obtained with a few changes I did for my own use, but I don't like the idea of releasing a version with limited functionality; email me if you are interested).
Bare-bones working examples are included.

: Asko Kauppi designed GluaX, a powerful tool derived from Glua that adds many capabilities to Glua (including Lua 5.0 compatibility) and also includes provisions for runtime loadable modules; the latest version of Glua-X can be found at this page.

 Other tools

Be patient. Be very patient. I have more software than spare time (and willingness to clean it up for publication...).


  Updated 31/10/11 by Enrico Colombini (erix@erix.it)